Wednesday, February 27, 2008


People going places on the LIRR.

The guy on the top right is my favorite. He always sat with those huge headphones on from the early 80's and was furiously pounding away at some kind of math problem like the world depended on it. Maybe it did. Spooky.

Very much reminded me of Robert's character in Proof.

Physically Impossible

Pretty sure this is a physical impossibility.

Björk revised

Björk, done a few years ago, but I finally finallllly blew up those twin birds on the bottom left. I think it helps enormously. Haven't painted in a while- I would really like to do more work like this....


Professors from vintage yearbooks who could be convincing doctors.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Something pervy I drew back in September.

Big Fish & the Shit Heads

Stopped by my favorite ADD lumberjack's (Mr. Jeff Fisher) class Sunday afternoon/night and did some figure drawing. Haven't had a male model in some time in Jeff's class, at least one that didn't have rotting toenails (Dennis), so it was a welcome change. Cracked out a few, but above's the only one that really turned out. Some kind of figure on top of figure thing. It was great to see what everyone was up to artistically.

On a lesser note, Jeff now refers to most everyone as "shit head."
My absence has caused a shift in name calling.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Snakes on a plain piece of paper

..I'm overly satisfied with the title of this post.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Party in progress

A work in progress. Way too digital right now- need to get some textures up in there. But still- I'm psyched about the girl tats. Inspiring me to design my own....


Freud, Rough Drawings for Museum of Sex, etc.

Mostly some sketches for Museum of Sex that I like and have no real place.
So now they are here in the blogosphere.
Including those gravity defying zebra print pasties.

Blogosphere, Communication Arts Annual, Museum of Sex

So now I have a blog.

My real motivation for starting this is to make good use of the word "blogosphere."

I will also be posting illustrations, and trying to regain literacy skills.

First up, illustrations I did on a poster for the Museum of Sex, featured in this year's Communication Arts Design Annual.