Wednesday, December 3, 2008

PDFA print on NBC's Heroes

The Partnership for a Drug Free America ads I art directed made a five second appearance on Heroes this week when the character Hiro holds up a comic book in front of a suspicious looking Seth Green.

Check out some screenshots below, or watch the episode on

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pass the Dutchie

My good friend and talented designer ,Mr. Michael Ciancio, was recently interviewed by Dutch web 'zine, Fontanel.

Check it out here (really nice interview, and he mentions yours truly).

Monday, July 14, 2008

Meryl for a Drug-free America

Hey all,

Here's a print ad I art-directed for Partnership for a Drug Free America (a National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign), illustrated by Gordon Wiebe.

Two others are coming out later this year.

It's currently running on the back of (sometimes inside of) DC and Marvel comics- so pop over to your local comic book store, read some comics, and check em out.

..and stop doing drugs.

love meryl

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"The Perfect Age of Rock 'N' Roll"

So it's been about a month since I've posted anything, but I'm back with some fun news.

Three of my illustrations are being used for the set of an upcoming Spike Lee production called "The Perfect Age of Rock 'N' Roll."

Looks like it finally hit the imdb radar.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

candy talkin'

In two weeks time, I've succeeeded in proving to my coworkers that I'm 5 years old and thrive on candy.

"I'm going to be up all night!"

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Workin' 9 to..1:30 in the morning.

There are three of us at work and we are delirious and I just put on R.E.M. "Out of Time."

and here is a really cold self portrait I put in our office fridge.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A diversion

Brahms Capriccio, opus 76 no. 2 from musanim on Vimeo.

disclaimer: much better with the lights turned off.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Atomic Books/ Starter Jackets

If you are in Baltimore anytime soon, check out Atomic Books in Hampden (home of the movie Pecker) and pick up a copy of Teenage Spaceship.

And for everyone everywhere- have a look at this music video for Jim Shearer's band Deck-of-Jack featuring my brother Jacob and friends sporting some pretty sweet Starter jackets:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Holiday Party Alphabet


A few owls.

I hope they impart some wisdom on you.

Monday, March 17, 2008

*UPDATE* Cell Phone's Dead- LONG LIVE MY iPhone!

Hey all,

After years of shouting curses at my phone/much verbal abuse, it finally tuckered out last night. *(Sunday night)*

Its body may have given out, but its soul lives on.-* In my new Ultra-Hip iPhone *

I still have the same phone number.

I promise to not check my email all the time while you are talking to me.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Seein' Red

Went back to Lucky Cat yesterday to get in some drawin'. I'm relatively happy with these three.

However, it was way way way too crowded--and their "Tribute" to Stalinism theme included them denying my friend Britt of a Diet Coke.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

!!! !!! !!!

These are for whoever's reading this. These are for you. You deserve it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cold Turkey

Illustrations for Perdue completed around Christmastime.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Boobie traps

Checked out this laid back drawing class at this bar Lucky Cat in 'Billyburg yesterday afternoon.
Really enjoyed the model and her burlesque boobie traps gettup. It was initially supposed to be "a tribute to Bowie," so some good music was playing as well.
I'm psyched about going back.

Teenage Space Ship

My buddy John put together this pretty kickass silkscreened book called "Teenage Space Ship," featuring a number of illustrators (myself included) and artists from B-more, Philly, CT and New York.

They were printed in a limited run of 49, so I figured I'd post a few images.

My bong-castle.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


People going places on the LIRR.

The guy on the top right is my favorite. He always sat with those huge headphones on from the early 80's and was furiously pounding away at some kind of math problem like the world depended on it. Maybe it did. Spooky.

Very much reminded me of Robert's character in Proof.

Physically Impossible

Pretty sure this is a physical impossibility.

Björk revised

Björk, done a few years ago, but I finally finallllly blew up those twin birds on the bottom left. I think it helps enormously. Haven't painted in a while- I would really like to do more work like this....


Professors from vintage yearbooks who could be convincing doctors.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Something pervy I drew back in September.

Big Fish & the Shit Heads

Stopped by my favorite ADD lumberjack's (Mr. Jeff Fisher) class Sunday afternoon/night and did some figure drawing. Haven't had a male model in some time in Jeff's class, at least one that didn't have rotting toenails (Dennis), so it was a welcome change. Cracked out a few, but above's the only one that really turned out. Some kind of figure on top of figure thing. It was great to see what everyone was up to artistically.

On a lesser note, Jeff now refers to most everyone as "shit head."
My absence has caused a shift in name calling.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Snakes on a plain piece of paper

..I'm overly satisfied with the title of this post.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Party in progress

A work in progress. Way too digital right now- need to get some textures up in there. But still- I'm psyched about the girl tats. Inspiring me to design my own....
